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easily available 意味

"easily available"の例文


  • easily     easily 中々 中中 なかなか 手も無く てもなく 闇闇 やみやみ 優に ゆうに 軽々 軽軽 かるがる 安安と やすやすと ころりと 一寸 鳥渡
  • available     available adj. 役に立つ, 利用できる; 入手できる; 求めに応じられる; 《米》 立候補の意志がある. 【副詞】 I'm
  • easily-available    {形} : 入手{にゅうしゅ}しやすい
  • easily available and in wide distribution    《be ~》いろいろな形で簡単{かんたん}に入手{にゅうしゅ}できる
  • actually utilize a medium that's easily available    簡単{かんたん}に利用{りよう}できるメディアを実際{じっさい}に活用{かつよう}する
  • country where abortion is easily available    堕胎天国{だたい てんごく}
  • avoid using easily available information like    ~など容易{ようい}に入手可能{にゅうしゅ かのう}な情報{じょうほう}の利用{りよう}を避ける
  • easily    easily 中々 中中 なかなか 手も無く てもなく 闇闇 やみやみ 優に ゆうに 軽々 軽軽 かるがる 安安と やすやすと ころりと 一寸 鳥渡 ちょっと 一堪りも無く ひとたまりもなく 苦も無く くもなく 軽軽と かるがると 直ぐ すぐ 難なく 難無く なんなく 楽楽 楽々 らくらく 訳無い 訳ない わけない 訳無く わけなく あっさり
  • available     available adj. 役に立つ, 利用できる; 入手できる; 求めに応じられる; 《米》 立候補の意志がある. 【副詞】 I'm available afternoons . 《米》 私は午後はあいています Help is always available in an emergency on one of the following numbers. 緊急
  • available by    ~で入手可能{にゅうしゅ かのう}な
  • available for    《be ~》~に使用可能である
  • if available    可能{かのう}な場合{ばあい}は
  • not available    使えない、利用できない、利用不可、該当なし◆【略】NA
  • believe easily    信じやすい、すぐに信じる
  • break easily    break easily 壊れ易い こわれやすい


  • cadavers may not be easily available .
  • the following are books that are easily available or important .
  • in particular , mikan is easily available in winter , the invisible ink is sometimes used for new year ' s cards .
  • in the latter half of the 1980s , the taste of tofu made with bittern was again viewed with favor , and now tofu made with bittern is easily available at supermarkets , etc .
  • from around the 1970 ' s , rapidly diversified retort foods (retort hamburger patties ) were put on the market and were made easily available , hamburger became the most common meal .
  • kensaku hayashi pointed out that during this period good fishing grounds emerged in coastal regions because of the so-called the sea level rise of the jomon period and marine products became easily available .
  • because the yaizu port is number one in the number of catches of bonito , ara (internal organs of fish ) of bonito is relatively easily available , which is considered to be the reason why it came to be used as an oden ingredient .
  • starting with shabby publications of hojo (copybooks printed from the works of old masters of calligraphy ) in an inconvenient publishing situation , mokuho maeda used the latter half of his life to make classic calligraphic materials more easily available .
  • however , " 占事略决 " is the commonly used title , as the titles of some transcripts can be clearly discerned , and the most easily available " nihon onmyodoshi sosetsu " by shuichi murayama also followed suit .
  • however , the dish is characterized by an insufficient amount of soup broth , which might be influenced by okinawa soba (because , palau received a lot of immigrants from okinawa in the past ), as well as by using spaghetti that is easily available in the country .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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